Qui est Miss Yellow ?


 Miss Yellow

Miss Yellow is an American, divorced from a geranium. International feminist, passioned by plastic toys from Toys'rus, she participated in the last Women's World March in 2000 with the slogan of Suzan George " 70 percent of the world's poor are women ." The photography of Miss Yellow was the only publication of the march in the New York Times. "Hello Miss Yellow" is an urban piece. Written at the National Theatre in London in 2000, it raises the question of feminism and democracy. Why yellow ? Canary yellow, a detector of fascism, a remembrance of the yellow star, a questioning of the difference.


Madame LeJaune Royal National Theatre London GB

Creation of Miss Yellow at the Royal National Theater London with Jonathan Holloway 

 Caroline Amoros, Raphaël Helle photographer and Jane Pitt ( visual arts) 

Madame LeJaune Articles de presse


Publiée dans la revue Mouvement de mai-juin, cette photo de Caroline Amoros, alias Miss Yellow prise que  prise par Raphaël Helle lors de l'une de ses performances au Royal National Theatre à Londres en 2000. 

Miss Yellow / Madame LeJaune , une création du Royal National Theatre , Londres 2000
Publication SACD


Hello Miss Yellow - Women World March 2000 NY GENEVA

The New York Times